loco viejo


Beautiful people

Important to have moments of lightheartedness in the midst of the stress and sorrow, I think.
V's dad has rallied a bit today - tonight he was compus mentus enough for her to have a good real conversation with him - including about us. But the doctors still think it's unlikely he will walk out of there...
Job interviews tomorrow and now Friday too, both in the wine industry - had telephone interview today for direct sales company called Pieroth (anyone heard of them?) which went very well I thought, now got face to face interview on Doncaster on Friday...
Really looking forward to spending some time with BGLeyna and BGCoffee, over from Texas for a while... though need to tidy flat first!!
A few extras today: V feeling sick at Humberston Fitties after McDs breakfast (not connected, I don't think!!), beautiful sunrise, nicer "selfie"...

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