Wednesday: Morning Sunshine

I had an early morning breakfast meeting today - the light on the walk down to Canada Place was just lovely.

I had a slightly irritating afternoon though. I was supposed to be taking a couple of people to afternoon tea at a local hotel. We had communicated by email about the arrangements and it was all very clear. Anyway, I sat for 45 minutes - no show. I sent them a message and left. Later we did manage to speak by phone and they were absolutely adamant that they had been at the right place at the right time but that the hotel had denied any knowledge of my booking. They had then waited for an hour. Given that I was also there, was taken straight to my table on mentioning my booking, and spoke to the hostess on the way out to make sure my guests, if they turned up, knew I had been there, I fail to see how it could have gone so wrong........all I know is I was exactly where I was supposed to be and the messaging had been clear. What irritates me is that they are under the impression that we somehow screwed up or I just didn't show.......

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