My 2015

By Clairy

Pamper time

Got up early and did some work, got the boy ready for school then took a couple of hours off to take Grandma to a clinic appointment. Dropped her home then into the office, all plans of what I needed to do trumped by urgent things but such is life.

After work I had a couple of treatments booked at a salon across from work. Lovely little place, I had a sole essential pedicure with back massage and gel on my own was amazing as the pedicure included , head neck and shoulder massage while feet in soak and a facial while they in a wrap. It felt like every bit of time was used, loved it would have again. My shoulders were tense so booked a massage for next week :) can highly recommend if you live in Grantham or near!

Never got chance to blip so the treatment menu seemed as good as anything!

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