The title wanted to autocorrect to able skiver, which I almost let go. For months TallGirl and I have been meaning to make these round Danish pancakes, but the fermented milk goes out of date before we get it done. Today was finally the day.
The technique takes a bit of perfecting, but I think we got there in the end. Though the washing up afterwards is something else (TallGirl pointed out that BakeOff is great because you don't do your own washing up. I mused that that sounded just like when she bakes... And so the dishes are still there...)
In other news, lots of school accounts stuff, limited shopping, furniture moving (as step one of the fish relocation program) and feeling poorly. My body seems to be taking it in turns for each bit to feel rubbish.
And then later the school let CarbBoy and pal out an hour early so they sat on the street waiting for me. Am beyond angry. Words will be had. (Once I've looked them up in the dictionary.)
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