Lost & Found

Picture the scene.

It's a beautiful sunny morning and even though the cold is truly setting in, you can't pass up the opportunity to wear your sunglasses. Especially with how bright it actually is.

You walk your daughter to school and as you are walking through the gates, you realise you have lost your glasses case, with your glasses in. Oops.

Now you have a dilemma. The sunglasses you are wearing are prescription. Do you opt to: A) continue to wear the sunglasses at the school so the teachers think you are either trying to be a rockstar or (more likely) assume you are hungover.
Or B) take the sunglasses off and go blind; squinting at everyone and potentially looking just as odd.

I went for option B and tried my best to be squint free (although this cold that I have is making my eyes water and the lack of glasses did mean they were fully exposed.

Oh well. People will think what they think. And most likely, nobody spotted anything odd and I've just over exaggerated a story for your entertainment. Who knows?

What I do know is that some kind soul picked my glasses case and placed it on a wall for me to find (about 30 seconds from home).

Every cloud.


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