A Poem for Peppercorn

From the moment I saw that little blue line, a feeling of excitement, you were going to be mine
We dreamt about your future, spoke of you everyday, but then to hear the dreaded news, you were not here to stay.
We never got to meet you, it wasn't meant to be, but still we'll always wonder were you he or were you she?
11 weeks of happiness, we named you 'Peppercorn', treasured in our memory, but sadly never born.

National poetry day today and a little poem I wrote about miscarriage; something not often talked about but unfortunately experienced by so many.

Next week marks Babyloss Awareness Week, held annually from October 9 to 15.
Involving twenty-one pregnancy and baby loss charities in the UK, it’s an opportunity to mark the brief lives of babies lost in pregnancy or soon after birth.

*Strangely Anya pulled a poetry book off her bookshelf in her bedroom today, she must have known it's National Poetry Day today!

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