Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner

What Could Go Wrong Now?

Well just when things are starting to look up, another road block. Yesterday as Todd was laying the new carpet squares, I looked up and said Todd stop. (By now the kitchen floor. Was half done). I realized the last three squares were not the same color. We bought 7 boxes of carpet squares. They all had the same color listed on the box but they were not all the same. Todd had to take them up, put them back in the box and return them. Late afternoon yesterday I found some new carpet (not carpet squares this time.). Okay great. It was to be installed today. I sat here all day waiting for the installers to come. They never did. So this morning I went to another carpet store and purchased new carpet. They are to come at 9:00 to install it in the morning. I'm not holding my breath.

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