Battered and Bruised

I have got such a story to tell you!!

We all did go for a walk this evening; HIM and HER and ME, and we did have a lovely time until we was nearly at home.

We did come around the corner, and a gate was open and this rotten little poodle dog did come barrelling towards me and did attack me!!  Yes, it did!!

And SHE didn't realise what was happening because the last time she met it, she did save its life and stopped it from being run over, and did put it back in its yard, and it was ever so friendly.  But it didn't like me, not at all.  The rotten little dog's owner was there and he did scoop it up, and did make sure it couldn't get at me any more.

And SHE did scoop me up in her arms, and everyone did pat me and make sure I was alright - which I was excepted that I was really frightened.  So SHE did carry me home and did check me all over to make sure I really was alright.  Which I was.

Then I wented fast asleep, because being attacked makes you very tired.  And incidentally it make you very hungry as well, because as soon as I did wake up I ate a huge dinner.

SHE did say she'd never save that dog's life again - but I bet she would.

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