with ease and lack of mis-hap

Happily, the happenings this morning which necessitated being at work last week when I would more sensibly have been keeping my snot and germs to myself at home all happened marvellously smoothly. Though I try not to fret about work-things when off on holiday I do hope to make things which work efficiently enough to not cause inconvenience to people who aren't off on holiday; it's important to think about people less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year and this year it'll be TFP and Mark who seem to be the only people scheduled to be in after the boss was perhaps a little too keen to OK all their colleagues' holiday requests; festive-work days tend to just consist of seven hours of running everything for everyone else then going home again. The only problem I had last year was that the team next to us insisted on bringing a radio into the office and playing shitty festive music and moronic radio-banter when it would have been far nicer to have worked in the refreshing quietness of scattered keyboard-tappery and the light hum of computer ventilation fans.

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