Hanging on...

Dear Diary,

Every morning I expect to wake up and see my pots of annuals "expired".  Our morning temperatures have been flirting with freezing but so far they are still thriving...and I'm still watering them.  My tender coleus gave up the ghost a week ago.  These two planters, with the petunias and the impatients are doing splendidly and covered with a bit of morning dew look very fresh.  It can't go on forever I know but I will enjoy them while they are here.

I think that is important to remember.  Each day is a gift and each contains things to enjoy.  If we are always "looking ahead" we miss the beauty right at our feet.  I had to brush off a few fallen leaves from Auntie's tree on this pair.  I think their sheltered position under the branches shields them.  I saw a bee on one of the pink blossoms yesterday although for the most part they have disappeared.  He was taking advantage of the late bloom for very soon there will be nothing left to tempt him.

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