
By Veronica

Where I stand

... is the photo prompt for today. So I am standing next to a glass wall looking into the cellars of Domaine Gayda. We were there for a financial planning seminar -- dull, I know, but sometimes you have to do these things. S asked a woman sharing our table if she'd come for something specific. "Oh, I've heard it all before," she said, "but the free lunch here is really good." She was right, it was delicious; ample supplies of little bits of finger food that for once were easy to eat without sitting at a table, served with wine from the domaine. I was amused that while I went to the loo, S barged up to the table in French fashion and helped himself. When I came back, I wondered how he'd got served so quickly as I joined the long queue of Brits. "Oh, I didn't even notice the queue," said S, tucking into his canapés while I waited patiently. Doing it the French way would probably have been more efficient!

Anyway, my comprehension of the financial ins and outs of pension planning is summed up by this photo. Extra: staircase, viewed from underneath.

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