My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

New London Bridge Station

Today's blip is from N who was at an educational exhibition in London today. He went through the newly refurbished bit of London Bridge Station and was quite impressed!

Baby L and I went to Baby Explorers class this morning, followed by lunch at a friend's house. All was going smoothly until Baby L got a bit grumpy (we assumed her cold was bothering her) and then, without warning, projectile vomited all over my friend's kitchen, all over herself and all over me. Thankfully I managed to point her away from my friend's daughter at the last moment. Once we'd cleaned everything and everybody up the best we could, we made a swift exit.

My friend was VERY understanding. Thank goodness.

Urgh! Poor little monkey has been very upset all afternoon. She had a couple of naps. I have breastfed her tonight, instead of proper dinner as it seemed the gentlest option for her poorly tummy.

She's in bed now. Quite restless. We hope she feels better soon.

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