Busy Day

I woke a little after my 8am alarm today, so managed quite a long lie in. I got up, washed up after last night and made tea for Jon who was still in bed.

Mollie appeared as she had work at 9.30, and after a quick breakfast, Mollie, Henry and I got in the car. After dropping Mollie in Cromer, Henry and I went in to Norwich to find the scout shop. We had to buy a shirt for Henry, now he is an Explorer scout. To be precise, he is 'the' Explorer Scout. Jon is setting up an Explorer unit in Cromer, so to begin with, it will just be the two of them.

From there we walked in to Chapelfield (the nice lady in the scout shop let me leave the car in the shop car park). At the shopping centre we bought Henry new football boots, then had a tea/cola in the cafe, and shared a chocolate muffin. We headed home, through stupid Saturday traffic at 12, and got home at about 1pm.

Some gardening after lunch, while Jon and Henry did some work on the chicken house (that was a rabbit hutch). It is now ready for the hens, with perches. As there is also now room for all 8, I moved the young ones in. Jon had fitted some (appropriately named) chicken wire to their run, as the younger bantams could get though the fence holes. I also covered them with red mite powder. The eglu needs a good clean as I think there are red mites in it.

There is now a large barren spot where the chicks had their run. I cleared a load of bramble and moved our fire pit to the space. I then enjoyed very much, burning all the very green bramble, producing large volumes of pre 6pm smoke. There wasn't any washing out, and no neighbours close enough to be bothered. That's the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere! I have missed our lovely social gatherings around a big fire, with beer and jacket potatoes (the extent of my hosting skills), but perhaps as bonfire night approaches, we can do it again up here.

Mollie cooked tea and then we watched Strictly. Tomorrow id really like to do some sewing.....if there is time after the jobs are done

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