Numansland Detour

Having time to kill, and the weather the way it has been, I took one of the scenic routes to work, through Numansland, where the local harbour looked so bright under the sun.  I have blipped this area before but that day hadn't been as bright as today.

I paid dearly for this detour, though, as, later in the day, I made a mistake with the time and missed two full hours of class.  I had looked at the schedule and thought I had to be at the room at 13.50.  I spent the time correcting some work, but then decided to check again and saw to my horror that the class was supposed to start at 13.00 -- 35 minutes earlier.  Snatched up my things and ran for it but, as I feared, the students had left.  Worse, they hadn't thought of checking my office but went to the secretariat, who tried to reach me but couldn't (I have misplaced my mobile phone and haven't seen it since we returned from holiday but as I hadn't been using it I didn't much care).  One of the course directors noticed my worry and haste and helped me calm down -- 'Oh don't worry, something like this can happen to anyone.'  I thanked her profusely but that did not make me feel any better.  I told her that the protocols for the first year marks for Block 1 had been changed at the last minute and now that the blocks were shorter, missing today's class meant two hours lost, hours which had been set aside for those hastily planned last-minute projects.  She didn't expect that piece of news and said she'd look into it right away, and that I could calm down because 'I'm sure it'll work out.'  I phoned one of the students and explained what had happened, and she was calm and sounded okay and 'don't worry, miss, I'll app the rest of the class'.  Problem not really solved but at least I felt a bit more relief.  Have reached the stage where I am able to remind myself that I'm okay, in general, and shouldn't get into a knot with something like this, and anyway, all the last-minute requirements did not come from me.  That said, I should pay closer attention to the schedule.  Things like this are like alarm bells and shouldn't happen again.  There was another class later and I put away my upset and went through it without a hitch, and was happy that I could do that.

We die our little deaths every single day but I guess that should make us appreciate every single thing that is going well.

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