Drops and roses

After the rain my colourful pink-yellow roses were modell for BCAM.

BCAM means Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
This whole month try to shoot something pink every day and put up this link to click on for a free mammografie. 
So if you will please click on this Link and click on the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and offer someone a free mammogram.
There are no costs for you. A big THANK YOU!

In the evening we I enjoyed a concert of the local high decorated choir "Blue Notes", who have had their 20th anniversery and celebrated it with a fabulous concert. (See extra, they played a szene from "Dances of the Vampires" and many more)

In the late evening after the concert and droppinf T. into her bed, I started to prepare 5 kilo of plums for jam for the traditional "Martinsmarkt" begin November for T.s school. Now it can pervade  with sugar. The final cooking will be tomorrow.
Now it is 3am and I have to go to bed -without commenting... not funny...

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