Interview 2
After spending the morning with her Dad in hospital, V accompanied me to my Pieroth interview in Doncaster - in traditional style I had to race to get there on time... though the French regional manager was chatting away on her mobile outside when I arrived and didn't seem remotely perturbed that I was a couple of minutes late. And she liked my car (well, of course...). Felt it went well, but this job would involve long hours, lots of travelling and an uncertain wage, with a basic minimum but above that, commission based. I later received a "no" from the wine shop - tbh I think I scared them off a bit with my energy and ideas - they were good conservative number 9s I think... so it wouldn't have been a happy marriage anyway.
So... find out Monday if Pieroth are interested. If not, back to the drawing board / time to wait for something better to come along...
Enjoyed Pizza Express meal afterwards. Felt almost like a normal couple... especially when I got it in the neck for using my phone at the table to email my union before they closed for the weekend... ;D
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