
As I left the house this morning at 8.30 I was told that it was only 3 degrees out there and, although it was a bit chillier than normal admittedly, it didn't feel that bad once you got going. Mind you, could be time for another layer (top and bottom) anytime soon I reckon. But, the temperature rose, the sun came out, the mist in the valley bottoms looked suitably atmospheric and it was a pretty sweet ride around the country roads of Midlothian. Down to Gladhouse Reservoir which was looking just splendid and then home for brunch out with the family at a local eaterie. As Sundays go, not too shabby at all (insert big smiley face here).

Right, best do some prep for The Re-convening Of Studies At My Normal Place Of Study tomorrow. Think they'd miss me if I twagged it and went off on a huge bike ride instead? At the end of the day it's all health and well-being after all...

Degrees of separation

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