Stupid Hats

Mr W and I had a little jolly into town to look for a new Coffee Machine and ended up trying on hats!

While Mr W was pondering over jeans in Next, I was stood next to him in this hat for at least 5 minutes before he actually looked at me and burst out laughing. My head was roasting so thought it would be ideal for our trip to Alaska next year. Mr W allowed me to include him in my 2.30 Selfie as long as I was super quick as he felt a little bit stupid in his hat....can't think why!! 

We didn't buy them I hasten to add!! But I might go back for mine!!

Home now cooking a roast dinner and a large batch of Spag bol whilst making a photobook and writing a report mixed with a little bit of watching Desperate Housewives and checking Facebook before I cut Mr W's hair. Who said women can't multitask!

And this is the calm before the very busy storm of next week with having visits to Daughters, friends calling in, Step Daughters stopping for sleepovers before flying off to New Zealand and work, work, work!!

And breathe.


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