Those eyes..

.. We returned to the District Fair today (it was a two day event, and we didn't sample the beer tent yesterday).
The weather was (again) perfect.
The birds of prey were just as appealing as they were yesterday, and I took waay too many pictures of them.

There was also an abundance of beautiful dogs (it seems it is just an extremely dog-friendly venue). This gorgeous canine, and it's two companions, were all poking their noses through the bunting to achieve a closer experience of (sniff of, view of?) the birds of prey (who are obviously so used to the public that not a feather was turned).

The beer was excellent (!) and so was the live music.

Feeling no pain I wandered into the craft tent and bought a rather gorgeous little pottery mouse (for the cheeseboard)..

We entertained ourselves for (probably?) too long seeking an appropriate moniker for said mouse.

Settled for Gordon.

Gordon Zola :-)

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