Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Dog Jog

J got up early this morning as she planned to take Kilda for her first Fly ball lesion. Apparently she did well after an initial brain fart when the trainer told J to get her very excited with her octopus. She didn’t get expelled so they can go back next week. In the mean time I painted some lines on the garage floor to help parking now the dark nights are coming. Also managed to get another outside light fitted and wire in. Just need to make sure the position is right tonight. J got back in time for us to head down to Hollyrood for these years Dogjog. I signed up ages ago and forgot about it. It’s a 5K run around Arthurs Seat with your dog. First time I had run for 2 months and the first time after all the holiday weight we have put on. Also Kilda’s first run with me. She did very well, ran by the side of me most of the way and didn’t try to bite my feet. Managed to get around in 32 minutes, this included some pauses for water. Would have been a bit faster but someone had to have a couple of poo’s in the last half K. Tomorrow is going to be painful as I felt stiff at the end of the run let alone tomorrow morning. Came back and watched the GP while making a start on the huge mound of ironing.

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