View from a train

Today's the day .................... to travel by rail

Carlisle, Glasgow, Dalmuir, Dumbarton, Helensburgh, Garelochhead, Arrochar & Tarbert, Ardlui, Crianlarich (where the train split in two) Tyndrum, Bridge of Orchy, Rannoch, Corrour, Tulloch, Roy Bridge, Spean Bridge, Fort William, Banavie, Corpach, Loch Eil, Locheilside, Glenfinnan, Lochailort, Beasdale, Arisaig and finally - Morar.

Those are all the stations we have stopped at today - and it's been absolutely wonderful.  The sun has shone all day, the scenery has been stunning and the skies blue.  We have just watched the sun go down behind the very familiar, silhouetted islands of Rhum and Eigg and we're off for a spot of dinner.

This is (most certainly) the good life ..........................!

PS. Sorry! I've managed to mess up 8th and 9th October. They should be the other way round ......

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