Happy days

The native Clematis on my front fence is at its best and expresses the relief I feel today.

My meeting with the Earthquake Commission and others involved with my second house repair this afternoon went well. The things missed from the scope are now included and I'm confident they'll provide packers, cleaners at the end of the repair, and people to re-install curtains, towel rail and other fittings. Those details are yet to be sorted but there are a couple of people in place who will liaise and on my behalf.

There is just enough lead time to ensure I'm repaired before Christmas. It will be tight as I'll shift out 11 November and back in 16 December. That's the plan and since EQR (Fletchers) close for the year on 16 December it has to happen.

All I want is my home fixed properly, with dry paint on the walls to replace the sticky stuff I have now, and all the things left off last time fixed. In other words a fair repair and it looks like it will happen and I'll be able to move on.

I am relieved. Happy days indeed.

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