Sunrise (Day 517)

Another beautiful day in Orkney and the dogs and I were off up the hill early enough to see the sunrise.
Back home, my beautiful wife headed of to work whilst I headed to the garage to make a start on sorting through the mountain of stuff that I unloaded from the van. Since the van was totally empty I thought it might be a good time to sort through everything and try and get it all in a more reasonable order. It was also a good time to discard the things I have carried round for years and never used. I will probably need them tomorrow.
HV came home at lunchtime, and shortly afterwards we took the dogs for a wander at Yesnaby where I took lots of photographs of the fabulous colours in the sea and the sky. I was looking forward to posting one of them, but when I checked the memory card the pictures have disappeared. The ones from up to yesterday are there, but nothing else. I have no idea what has happened. It is just as well I took a pic of the sunrise on my phone this morning.
After our trip to Yesnaby I continued with the sorting of the van, finishing with giving it a really thorough wash.
I am ready to get back to work at last.

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