what we did today...

By SarnieV


D was up all night with a high temperature, C was feeling sick when he woke so I had the two of them off school sick today. I wasn't completely convinced of the feeling sick excuse so I made him do writing first thing and then some other homework. Here he's supervising his brother's bath while I have a shower. D had been so hot and sweaty in the night that he needed a bath. C is doing lifesaving so I decided he could be responsible for him. So they played with playmobil cars and boats in the bubbles in the bath. D needed calpol half way through the day and C really could have done with going for a nap but it doesn't seem to be something 10 year olds do. By 4pm they were sat in front of "go jetters" learning about interesting places around the world.
I've got them in bed early with the promise that if they stay quiet they will get screen time tomorrow, if they make any noise they won't.

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