
By sammmy

technology these days.

today was a stressful as anything. my laptop decided to poop out on me and not turn on. panicking i brought it straight to pitty where he could not use his genius computer skills to fix it. so i ran it over to best buy accompanied by loopy jillian who was hopped up on Vicodin (i was visiting her after she got her wisdom teeth out). the nice geek squad guy explained to me that my computer had a problem with the MOTHERBOARD blah blah blah and i need to invest in either fixing it for 350 or buying a new one. i dont think he understood I AM A POOR COLLEGE STUDENT. it was awful.

BUT low and behold a few hours later it turned on and is working swimmingly. im on it was we speak! hopefully this wont happen again because i leave for school shortly.

anyway i was in to much of a panic over my laptop ordeal to think about bliping, but i did not want to leave today blank. i have decided that i want to reread The Great Gatsby before the movie comes out. i enjoyed the book back in high school and i think it would be nice to reread it again this time picturing the hunky Leo DiCaprio as Gatsby instead of Robert Redford. that is going to be my new book of choice for the beginning of the school year. i must look on amazon, maybe i can get it for a penny.

also, i created a tumblr today. wost/best decision. its wayyyyy too addicting.

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
-The Great Gatsby

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