
Its been windy, wet and bitterly cold. Rivers, streams and creeks have all risen flooding farmland and leaving some animals stranded. Roads and bridges have been closed, detours are in place and rivers rage as they head out to sea, dirty, carrying debri and whatever is in the way.

The fence is supposed to protect the cows from a very small river but not today. The dead strands of the raupo in the background were thrown around in the wind while the trunks of the trees held firm as surging waters surrounded them, but it was a good day for the ducks who were having the ride of their lives - more rain on the way, unfortunately.

I spoke to Mum today and shes certainly on the mend, her voice is stronger and she has more energy, thank you for all of your get well wishes, so kind and thoughtful.

While the wind howled round the house and the rain lashed at the windows I watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics and thoroughly enjoyed it, hard to believe its all over.

A quiet night in our house but not outside, don't think I'll be going far tonight.

Keep warm, dry and well all :)

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