
By TrishaR

Ben is Six!

Although last night going to bed he got a bit sniffly and told his mum he didn't want to be six tomorrow he was happy being five!!

We had a leisurely morning before the party. I needed a coffee first which we intended to sit in the sun outside in Tabu but when we walked down it was at the time where the sun was behind St. John's Kirk so we got a carry out Nero and sat on a bench in the sun. This very well to do woman stopped in front of us and I wondered what she was going to say but very softly but precisely leaned over to say that our dog was absolutely beautiful! Then went on to tell us about hers. Dogs are great for meeting people.

Picked up mum then up to the birthday boy's party which because of the lovely weather was outdoors:). He was spoiled with loads of Star Wars stuff and the kids played well all afternoon making up games .

We had some dancing in the garden too and even GG shook her hips a little!!

Laura made a panyata birthday cake which was lovely - although I am in my Ocotber challenge from work and couldn't taste it....

It was a fab day, so much fun and laughter spent with the family - and that's Ben six!

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