Well it is Tiny Tuesday

All yesterday's clearing out has been taken to a charity workshop and the clothes bank and there's now clear floor space in the wardrobes.  I also found that I have enough polythene bags to stock a shop and quite a few posh paper bags as well.  All I have to do now is fold the polythene bags, add an elastic band and shove a few in my handbag for shopping purposes.

I've had a spell in the garden clearing the lime tree seed pods, which get everywhere and sweeping the patio which was full of dead fuchsia flowers.  They've been amazing this year and are still going strong.

Grumpy spider has rebuilt its web in the greenhouse yet again and seems to be learning what not to attach it to.  I'm quite impressed.

The ladybird was harassing the beetle.  The spider was minding its own business and going the other way, so I used Photoshop to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Thanks go to Jensphotos for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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