The weather has been cold and rainy all day so as I didn't have any reason to go out I decided to stay at home. 

It might just have been the weather but I have felt a bit " down " today.  Just couldn't cheer myself up.  So I just decided to get on with things and work through it.  I sorted out some clothes for a charity bag and made a nice chicken and butter bean casserole for my tea.  Just watching TV this evening.  Feel a bit better now - more chilled.

It was announced today that Newcastle and Gateshead have been chosen to stage the Great Exhibition of the North in 2018, beating the likes of Sheffield, Blackpool and Bradford.  Great news for the local area.

For the Tiny Tuesday challenge there is a theme of a mystery macro.  So I took quite a lot of shots of different things however most of them were unsuccessful. This one is the best of the bunch.  I took it in mono to make it a bit more difficult as otherwise it might be too easy. Can you guess what it is??  Answer will be given tomorrow.  Thanks to jensphotos  for organising this challenge.

Steps today - 4,584

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