Reading Challenge Day 1
Since I love taking photos of reading so much, I've decided that the run up to Book Week warrants a daily blip of my favourite activity.
For some reason, Im's class is not participating in the Chief Minister's Reading Challenge (although she intends to match L book for book). It's been harder getting L started, with his aversion to any fiction that may have dramatic or emotional content, but we've finally pulled together a pile of acceptable literature (almost entirely read at least once before).
Here he is, at the eleventh hour, so to speak...
Now we only need to settle on Book Week costume, since he has discounted dressing up as Andy G or the wimpy kid (ie no costume) as lame and wants to get into the spirit (he will be the only 9 yo boy there who does). At the moment he's thinking Lorax or Onceler, I'm thinking Howintheheck.
Book 1 - The Lorax
Book 2 - The Eleventh Hour
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