Sticks against the sky

Yn eu llyfr gwych 'The Practice of Contemplative Photography', yr awduron Andy Karr a Michael Wood yn cynnig nifer o arferion i helpu ffotograffwyr i weld gyda llygaid ffres. Un o'r arferion yw 'Symlrwydd', ac maen nhw’n dweud bod pobl yn meddwl am 'ffyn o flaen yr awyr', yn yr arddull 'Zen' fel 'Symlrwydd', ac rhaid iddyn nhw fynd y tu hwnt ystrydeb. Ond... allwn i ddim gwrthsefyll y demtasiwn heddiw, felly dyma 'ffyn o flaen yr awyr'.


In their excellent book 'The Practice of Contemplative Photography', the authors Andy Karr and Michael Wood offer several practices to help photographers to see with fresh eyes. One of the practices is 'Simplicity', and they say that people think about 'sticks against the sky', in the style of 'Zen' as 'Simplicity', and that they have to go beyond cliché. But ... I could not resist the temptation today, so here is 'sticks against the sky'.

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