Blame Alfred!

The Bossess has never been the same about Birds because of this bloke…Alfred Hitchthingie.

The Bird was completely airborne as a well starched wind (stiff) was wafting it’s way across the town and The Boss was regretting not having had another couple of Weatbix  (The Breakfast of Champions according to local folk law) as he fought his way up the wharf to ultimately have Hot Choc and shortbread with the Bossess between phone calls. Hers not his.
It was a tad windy but at least he didn’t need to fit chains which may have been the case back in Wanaka with a last blast on the ranges around the town.

Me?  No I am firmly attached and closely trimmed and not ruffled in the least.

Oh and the Gull..A wind vane on a Children’s slide. The slides in your town don’t have wind vanes? 

Well this IS Wellington……..


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