Fresh Air and Fun

Spent the morning on a long walk, trying to tire Ollie and Scratch out before I left them for the afternoon while I went riding.  It seemed to do the trick, we all came back at a much more leisurely pace than we set out at!  This is looking down on the village, with the hills of Orphir in the background.  Just a light breezy and some lovely sunshine but pretty chilly.  Gloves will soon be required!

Scratch put up a moorhen - literally; it flew up on top of a bush to escape!  see extra

Excellent time riding with H in the afternoon.  Went I gave Nimbus,  my pony, to her eight years ago I never thought I would be riding and jumping her again.  And before you envisage smart poles and arenas, the jumps are made of car tyres and plastic tubs!  Much more fun!

Fresh air and fun  memories of Children's Favourites.

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