Lincoln with D & L
Lovely to have D & L to stay. V able to be around with us a fair bit which I (and she) loved. Today (Tuesday) was V's first day at college... role play not to her liking, but hey, it's a means to an end... In her usual way she already has a few friends...
D&L and I had nice chill day in Lincoln... real coffee, climb up Steep Hill, charity shops looking for energy profile appropriate clothes (one reason I like this blip is L's number 4 umbrella!). At the top of the spire on the left is a statue of a local pig farmer who donated his life savings to the building of the cathedral (opposite statue of Cardinal who commissioned the building). Apparently this was the tallest building in the world from 1311 until 1549 when its top spire fell off... hope it didn't hit anyone (have Hot Fuzz image in my mind...).
As a special bonus, bumped into my ex wife and her friend :D. I am also now proud owner of a cafetiere which holds more than one cup of coffee thanks to D's housewarming gift!!!
D wanted to take us out somewhere nice for dinner, but being Lincolnshire, choices 1 (Livesey Arms, 2 (Serendipity), AND 3 (14 Upgate) all closed on Tuesdays!! Ah well, another time... In the end had lovely time at Comfy Duck, which was at least open, being a hotel restaurant... Felt very good to be part of extended family, with V, daughters and D&L... Good food and nice wine too (and I wasn't driving for once).
PS I would have blipped during the evening, with everyone on - but I'd had my phone confiscated ;)
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