Hon in Edinburgh

By honined


Back to Great Yarmouth to check out the Merrivale Model Village. Which was interesting, especially for the kids. But us grownups probably enjoyed the subsequent cream tea at the nearby cafe more. I also had a nice chat with the proprietor's nephew on his interest in photography. Actually, it was more him listing the different camera makes that he currently owns; I don't think he's one for letting go of his old gear.

I also met a chap doing some gymnastics on the beachfront and got some pictures of him in action, for me to email when I get back home. I could have submitted one of those, but have gone for this simple portrait. I've done this composition loads of times now, but I still like being able to show a bit of the subject's environment. In this case, I told her I liked the stacks of colourful sweet jars in the background.

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