Traces of Travels

By tracyanderson

Alicia Keys

Went to see Alicia Keys with my sister last night, at the Rod Laver Arena (home of the Australian Tennis Open!)

It's a cool arena...very good sound...and I have to say I enjoyed it, even if she is a little on the commerical side ;-)

She is (for all her pop-princess-ness) an amazing pianist, so I enjoyed that aspect of it.

Exactly 3 weeks until we leave for Nepal now! We are having MAJOR working visa issues though, so not entirely sure what will happen when we reach London in 3 months time.....we may be on a plane back to Canada, if all our plans keep falling through :(

So far: Ireland = can't apply in Australia; UK = takes a month to process application in Australia (and we leave in 3 weeks); the Netherlands = can take up to 6 MONTHS to process the application .....

The EU really has tightened its borders :((

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