what we did today...

By SarnieV

Candice face

The boys wanted to do a "Candice Face" selfie - it's funny so it's my blip for today.

I went for a run this morning. Lynne and I ran up Turnhouse, over Carnethy and up Scald Law then down to the Howe and back along to Flotterstone. 8.2 miles according to strava. It was a bit misty on the 2nd two tops and I was glad of my base layer. My legs are feeling it this evening. 3 tops were enough for us, and we had renewed respect for those who ran the Pentlands Skyline at the weekend as they did another 7 tops too, A run of plans - a school days friend who lives in the USA has challenged me to run 50k when we are 50. She ran a marathon this year so she's a few miles ahead of me! I shared this plan and we hatched a few more. I'd better get out running more miles over the hills!

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