Natural Bridge

At the southern end of the Shenandoah Valley, flanked by the Blue Ridge Mountains, you can find this amazing natural limestone bridge which was carved out by Cedar Creek some 500 million years ago. It is 215' high, 40' thick, and 100' wide. A sign near the bridge states: "According to legend in 1750 a youthful George Washington ... surveyed the surrounding acreage, and during his visit, he scaled some 23' up the left wall of the bridge and carved his initials which may still be seen today." Indeed they can be! Interestingly, I also found someone had carved my initials (DDW) into the stone! (I swear it wasn't me!)

We drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway to get to the Natural Bridge, and were enchanted by the great pillows of mist settling into the valleys far below us. (See extra).

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