Animals Telling Jokes...Part Four

Part one...Rabbits
Part two...Pigs
Part three...Geese

And, debuting today...part four...horses.

This is Max and Martha. Max is the joke teller.

MAX: "Hey Sweetums, I just got back from the barn. You wanna hear the new jokes the farmer told?"

MARTHA: "No, not really."

MAX: "Sure you do. Here goes nothing."

MAX: Q. "What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse?" A. "A tale of WHOA! Ha, ha, ha!"

MARTHA: "You're right. That was nothing. Can you put a whoa to your jokes?"

MAX: "No way Pumpkin. I'm just warming up." Q. "What did the momma horse say to the foal?" A. "It's pasture bedtime. Ho, ho, ho!"

MARTHA: "Forget my whiskers didn't even move. Are you sure it's not past your bedtime?"

MAX: "Not even close." Q. "What did the waiter say to the horse?" A. "Sorry, I can't take your order...that's not my stable. WOO-HOO!"

MARTHA: "If you were my'd get no tip!"

MAX: "Sugar...I saved the best for last."

MARTHA: "I hope so."

MAX: Q. "Where do horses like to shop?" A. "Old Neigh-vy. You get it Marty...Old Neigh-vy!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!"

MARTHA: "If that's your best...I'd hate to hear your worst!"

MAX: "Here it is Sunshine...the slam bang finish!!" Q: "What did the horse say when it fell?" A. "I've fallen and I can't giddy-up! He-he-he-he-he!"

Martha could take no more. She quickly trotted away. Max was left all alone...until the farmer came out. He addressed me.

FARMER: "Did Max tell you the jokes"

ME: "Yes, he did."

FARMER: "Ha, ha, ha. What did you think?"

ME: "I wish I could have run away with Martha."

FARMER: "Lighten up man. Can I tell you one more?"

ME: "If you must."

FARMER: Q. "How do you make a small fortune in the horse industry?" A. "You start with a large fortune. HA, HA, HA!!"

I smiled...and drove away.

In order for this talking series to survive...
I'll be on the lookout for pair number five.

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