Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Fire Truck Abstract

I'm coming home 'just' after midnight and this really long fire truck pulls out of a side street, and it had these long bank of running lights, and this bright back of yellow and red, and I said 'yes', pastels to be tweaked.

The truck reflected slightly on my hood, but, I needed something more.
1) I treated the photo to the PS Filter Gallery 'Rough Pastel'
2) On opposing sides I used the PS Gradient Tool 'Pastel' option of course.

So I get to enter early like those in NZ and Australia :).
This is all about Abstract Thursday and the 'Pastel' theme this week.
 "Pastels or pastel colors are the family of colors which, when described in the HSV color space, have high value and low to intermediate saturation. The colors of this family are usually described as "soothing", "soft", "near neutral", "milky", "washed out", "desaturated", and lacking strong chromatic content."
Paste the tag AT68.

Next week October 20, be prepared to turn your pets into abstracts.
The theme is, 'Pets'. Be it Dali, Kandinsky or Prisma, make your buddies famous. No pets? No problem, use your spouse. The more abstract, the more fun. After all, we need to fuel up with some Halloween energy. Pet it AT69. 

And check the latest from Blip Central. It's all about how we can continue to have fun, be creative, and make friends! A very good deal. 

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