
watching the gatherers, retrievers of the everyday detrius that the city leaves behind; cans, card, paper, plastic...recycling offers a hard living here; weatherbeaten and undefeated faces merging with the glistening cars of the wealthy upon the roads...

what the fuck happened to the social contract that our perverted variants of democracy offered?

maybe the world lurches into the distances of the third person; hides behind the firewall, loses its humanity...these  distances we create for ourselves, adrift from the social contact which our species developed itself upon...what happens...xenophobia, fuckwits like drumpf; pull up the drawbridge, allow a reign of bombs and fears to occlude what's happening....let the 1% scavenge upon the flesh and bones of the young, remove the fraying safety net; squeal that there's no cash to spend upon infrastructure but always enough to keep the military happy, to bow to those who know that the only way to keep their powers and influences is by distortion....remove education from the masses...siphon off profits by selling the common weal...the dystopia is not the future, its the now

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