Göta canal!

What a day we had to day! Cycled from Hajstorp to Tåtorp, about 40 km, along the channel, the trees dressed in brilliant colours and reflecting themselves in the water. The sun never showed up as expected, so it was a little cold, but beside og that it could not be better. Already looking foreward for tomorrow!

The idea of the canal was actually born out of anger at the heavy duties exacted by Denmark for using the Great Belt for shipping. Baltzar von Platen started construction on the Göta Canal in 1810, and by 1832 the entire canal was completed. The Göta Canal is by far one of the biggest construction projects ever in Sweden. Measuring 190 km in length, with 58 locks, the canal stretches from Sjötorp on Lake Vänern to Mem on the Baltic. Of that distance, 87 km is man-made.

Quite simply, it’s a unique canal with a beautiful history.

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