Sea glimpse

It is there, in that bright spot at the end. School walk, work, dog walk, work, gym, bath. A flurry of things I should have been paying closer attention to reared their heads today, if nothing else, it has re-energised and interested me a bit more in stuff. Perhaps "interested" is too strong.

And I chose the gym this evening over going to going to a meeting at Wills school about his residential trip in 11 months time. My justification was that I have hated and been bored at every single similar meeting I have attended and I am sure I will get all the information one way or another in the coming 50 weeks.

Daisy's birthday weekend is coming up, I told her to tell me what food she would like at her family birthday tea on Sunday. Without wishing to put off any blip lurking attendees of said tea the menu is currently: chips, onion rings, hash browns, cheesy stars, little mozzarella balls and chocolate fudge cake. Oh and crisps.

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