
By SpotsOfTime


Oh goody goody pastel gum drops, it's Abstract Thursday, the highlight of the week .... soft shades of gratitude go to youoregon for the challenge, the theme you may have guessed for this week is pastels.

I am usually working in an incredibly desaturated room located up river in the heart of darkness (up the Eden at Kirkby Stephen ... my apologies to all who live there) on a Thursday and was tempted to post my extra as the main shot which shows me at the end of the day, the very life blood having drained out of me as you can see.

I had a go at blipping bits of wall and carpet etc but the more I thought about it the more I wondered about the whole colour thing and going down various confusing avenues of thought. I had wondered about autumn colours but they were quite deeply earthy and quite vibrant; is white pastel? probably not I thought ... is any colour toned down pastel? When and why are pastels considered 'soft' and 'feminine'. When does pastel become subtle, become tonal, become bland, become anodyne ... That got me on to thinking about the lines that separate and hard/soft lines blending. A rainbow came out ...more confusion. Then I got thinking about synesthesia and concepts having colours. That bought me back to yesterday's poems and the interestingly pastel backdrop for the anodyne poem. Suddenly pastel becomes vomit and anodyne poetry like this makes me see an iridescent angry red. All fascinating ... great stuff. Thanks youoregon.

So, in the end I have a blip of my husband's pastels ... untouched for 5 years. All the shades of emotion imaginable.

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