A Day of Eds

Dash to work, petrol is needed
Ninety minutes later, Bible study started
Three late comers, three times repeated
Photocopier breaks, mechanic requested
Computer crashes, hours work deleted
Sister arrives, confused Mother seated
Lunch is grabbed, Father called and requested
Sister rushes off, mechanic attended
Photocopier fixed, work restarted
Steady flow later, Orders completed
Home to make supper, for all when gathered
Dash back to work, set up assisted
Health and Safety Meeting, safely minuted
Elders & Deacons next, minutes recorded
Phone calls at coffee, parent care covered
Home again later, day felt supported
Daughter pleads sweetly, clothes are laundered
Machine runs quickly, as blip gets edited
Clothes hung out, the day's finally finished.
Not a bad day, all things considered.

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