
By Croft16


..harvested this today. First plant from a row of fourteen. The main tubers weighed 1.25 kg. Eaten raw, have a flavour between Apple and Pear, and a moist crisp texture of a radish.

A member of the sunflower family, it contains a type of sugar which the body can't digest. So ideal for slimmers, and diabetics.

It's been a while since I've posted, Been busy digging out soil and sub soil from the back of the house to expose the underlying rock. Once that is removed (next spring), then we can start proper on the new extension.

Did I mention diets? G and me have been trying to loose weight, by counting calories. In 17 weeks, I've lost over 16 kg, with 2.5 to go to reach my target weight of 82. And a BMI of less than 25, a weight classed as 'normal'..

2nd pic is of the small bulbs that I'll plant up for next year's crop. If you want to try some, let me know, and I'll post some on..

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