Happy Threesome
It was raining on and off at the beach when I left this morning. I wanted to get home before the big storm hit.
I saw this cute couple and stopped to ask if I could get a photo of their pet bird....they were delighted and she told the bird to smile pretty....he obeyed and looked right at me!!! They seemed to be very happy....all three of them!
My drive home was slower than usual because I wanted to be extra cautious with so much standing water on the sides of the road in in the car worn ruts. I think it would have been easy to hydroplane, but luckily everyone on the road today was going slowly and stayed safe. I was listening to a book on CD and during my drive someone in the story was in a terrible accident.......it was difficult to listen to the description of the crash from the viewpoint of the people in the crash while I was driving. I definitely slowed down even more.
Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments yesterday. I am excited to see my Ocean Sunset on page one of Popular. Thanks!!!
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