In the sky

It was RugbyTots this morning, which was great and CyclopsJnr did really well participating and waiting his turn.

After nap time I'd thought we'd just go out on the bike, so we played lego for a while and then got dressed in our outdoor things to go on the bike but as soon as we got out it started drizzling and then raining.  We toughed it out for a bit and CyclopsJnr enjoyed biking through some puddles, but we gave up fairly quickly.  

So we did a bit of painting, then as we were stuck inside I gave CyclopsJnr this helicopter which I bought him yesterday and was saving for such an occasion (not saving long!!).  He's interested in helicopters at the moment.  He has also just got the concepts of 'up' and 'down' and he enjoys demonstrating these.  He also likes holding things up and saying "in the sky".  So a helicopter works well for all this, and the time passed quickly enough.

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