The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I really feel like everything around me is disintegrating at the moment ..

I woke to find my broadband had failed again .. so rang up and had a chat about it .. it was restored to a snail's pace and I shall await the already scheduled return visit of the engineers.

Off to see mum who was on very good form indeed.

Then I took Maisie to the beach and she had a good old run around with quite a few dogs. Back to the car park to discover one of my tyres was totally flat. Called the AA and went to the cafe while I waited (blip is a bedraggled Maisie mooching about the very dog friendly cafe). The AA man arrived within the hour and fitted the temporary spare.

Back to Hull and straight to the garage to get the puncture fixed and the wheels swapped around.

After about an hour the manager came to apologise that they'd gouged the  wheel and they'd have it resprayed - but would need the wheel for two or three days to carry out the work.


Why is everything so complicated. I'm growing to loathe this car, though I suppose the truth is I loathe the patronising, rude and unscrupulous people I bought it from rather than the car.

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