Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

At The End Of The Day

My friend, Andrea, gave me a ride to pick mom's car up at the shop. She was going to give me a ride home from mom's house after she attended a reception in Tucson.  I felt I needed to work off some of my frustration and anxiety so I chose to walk home.  I haven't walked 2 miles in a long time, but I managed to chug along. 

The sun was in the process of setting when I started out.  Ahead of me was this odd tree.  I've never really noticed one this time of year (except the oaks in the mountains) changing colors like this.  We simply don't have the change of seasons as most of you know it.  Leaves generally just dry up and wither away until spring.  This was a nice reminder of the gentleness of nature.

PS  I bet you  have grass.

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